Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Freedom Event at the Park Place Event Center

Lindsey and I were invited to attend the Advocare Freedom Event at the Park Place Event Center last night.  At first we declined since it was our baby's 1st birthday.  We were looking forward to spending the evening with our kids and celebrating Tade's big day.  As it would turn out, we were able to do both.  I was able to get off work a little early and we had Grandma and Grandpa come in to celebrate with us and watch Tade eat his first birthday cake, what a riot!  The kid only likes the frosting, but man, what a mess he was able to make!  All the while laughing and smiling.  Then Tade opened up a few of his gifts and was so happy!

Then we were off for the Freedom Event.  Advocare only has an event like this in the area once or twice a year, and we felt compelled to check it out.  I am really happy that we did.  One of the top Doctors from the Medical and Advisory board was the guest speaker.  Robert Hackman, Ph.D. research professor, Dept. of nutrition, at the University of California at Davis gave 1/2 hour run down on the products that I am currently taking as part of the 24 Day Challenge.  After hearing him speak about the research that goes into their products, and the purity of the nutrients that they use, I was starting to understand why I've had so much success using their products.

Lindsey and I were very impressed with the event.  We are now even more excited about the 24 Day Challenge and what it has in store for us.  And the coolest part?  The event organizer, Joe called me up on stage in front of nearly 200 people and had me tell my story.  It was an amazing feeling to tell everyone about how I've lost 15 pounds (I weighed myself before my shower last night and was amazed to see 240.8 on the scale!)  in only 7 days!  How cool to have everyone cheering for me!  What motivation to keep going and to see just how far I can go during this Challenge!


To be consistent, I stepped on the scale this morning and I weighed in at 242.8.  A full 13 pounds lost on the beginning of my 8th day of this Challenge.  Keep checking in to see how far I can go!

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