Woke up this morning feeling a little guilty that I hadn't gotten my run in last night. We had company and it just didn't work out to get out and get my training in. I knew I was really close to breaking another HUGE barrier in my weight loss goals, but since I hadn't exercised since the 5k last Saturday I didn't expect what I woke up to today! After stepping on the scale and watching it blink a few times, it popped up at 228.4!!! WOW! I am officially in the 220's! The last time I saw that on a scale I was 17 years old!
I have now lost 85 pounds and am rapidly approaching my goal weight of 213 pounds! Only 15 more pounds to go!!! I am so EXCITED!!! I can't tell you how much better I feel. I can't express in words the self confidence that I am gaining. I have such a sense of purpose in my life. My drive is simple, but it is strong. My mission is to set a good example for my children and help them to live a healthy lifestyle. My mission is to help others accomplish the fitness goals that I have accomplished. If you are reading this today and you feel compelled to do something to improve your health, or to lose weight, or to start working out, please contact me. Yeah, I will tell you about the amazing Advocare products that are helping me to attain my personal goals, I might even tell you how Advocare has changed my family's outlook on life and on our financial freedom ( how about the $4,000 Rookie Bonus check we received yesterday (life changing)); but it is more than that to me. I realize that Advocare might not be right for everyone, I want to help you regardless. I can share Lindsey and I's experience in running, or eating healthy, or working out. We have learned so much since last October and I feel like it is my purpose to share our story. I feel that by sharing what we have done, I can help change lives. What a blessing this has become for me. I am so humbled to hear others that are following this blog and are motivated to get moving and get into shape! It makes it all worth while!
Now, here is what is coming... we have a ton of friends and family that are currently taking the 24 Day Challenge and I intend on sharing their stories with all of you. We are hearing some AMAZING results! If you are one of our 24 Day Challenger's please email or call me with your progress, and if you are willing I would love to share your story! I already have a few to share and even a few unbelievable pictures of those who have had tremendous success! Stay tuned and check it out for yourself!
Michael, that is really amazing! I am so proud of you for all your hard work.