A year ago I was severely overweight. I had little energy. I was living an unhealthy lifestyle. I was not being a good example to my four young children, and I knew it. I thought I didn't have time to do anything about it. I thought I was too busy to change. Well, those were just excuses. Once I woke up and realized that I needed to make a change, the rest came much easier. It was making the decision to do something that took me all of those years. On October 21st, 2009, I made the life changing decision that I couldn't live like that anymore. I took my life back. The rest is history... and here I sit on August 16th, 2010 and I have lost 87 pounds. I have energy to spare. I am now the role model for my children that I have always wanted to be. My children now talk about wanting to go running with Lindsey and I. My kids pretend to "workout" and do some pretty funny stretches, jumps, sit-ups, and jumping jacks trying to imitate what they see their parents do... how cool is that?
There has been another AMAZING change in my life in the past year as well. On Valentine's Day 2010, Lindsey and I asked Jesus Christ to be the center of our lives and we have been "all in" for our Christianity ever since. We both had grown up going to church, and have been involved at Prairie Lakes Church for 4 or 5 years now. One night in early February Lindsey and I were having a discussion about the time and place that we stepped over the faith line and let Jesus become our Savior... Even though we both were fairly certain that we were Christians, we couldn't put a finger on when or where that had happened. We found a prayer on a Dave Ramsey CD that we both loved, and after putting the kids to bed that night, we prayed together in our basement and asked Jesus to take over our lives and committed ourselves to Him. Wow! What a feeling swept over us that night! To know that no matter what life on this earth holds in store for us, that we will be able to live with each other and with Jesus for eternity was completely overwhelming!
This blog is about our journey toward healthy living and fitness, so I will not stray from that for too long. But let me tell you, when you have God on your side, it makes the hard work to get into shape seem like no big deal! I personally spend a lot of time praying and thanking God for giving me the strength and courage to continue on this healthy path. I feel that He has played a large role in getting me here, and that without Him, I would have given up a long time ago!
Long story short, this has been the most AMAZING year of my life! I can't wait to see what is in store for me and my family in the coming year! If you would like to talk to me about any of this, please feel free to contact me! I will continue to work toward my fitness and health goals, but now you know a little more about what has been helping me get there! Below are a couple of pictures from last year around my birthday to this year... what a transformation! Thank God for this journey that I am on!
As I always say... If I can do it, You can do it! Is it your time? Are you ready to take your life back? We are here to help... just give us a call.
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